Why is evernote scannable only for apple
Why is evernote scannable only for apple

Meaning the several thousand documents I've put in over the last year, and not really labeled, are no longer properly searchable in a way that useful to me. And this doesn't just apply to new notes created after iOS 14/Big Sur, but to everything already in notes. On images put into notes from scansnap, or even just copy and pasted or imported from camera roll, it only seems to recognize a headline or other prominent information, ignoring details and body text. It seems that as part of iOS 14 and Big Sur updates this fall, comprehensive/exhaustive OCR of any image in any note is now much more restricted unless it's classified as a "scanned document," which is only if it's taken with your iPhone or iPad. The OCR is so good, that I really stopped labeling things, only dropping Notes into category folders.

why is evernote scannable only for apple

If I'm on the road, I'd use the "scan document" feature on my iPhone to scan a stray receipt/check/document here or there, but 90 percent of my scans were done at home, on my mac, via my scansnap and imported as jpgs. So I use this system without trouble for the last year. A little weird in my head, but not the end of the world (now that I'm trying to get myself out of this pickle, this is a bigger issue, I'll explain further down). In order to benefit from the switch, I would have to start importing my documents as jpegs instead of PDF's. I have used always used evernote primarily as a digital filing cabinet paired with a scansnap scanner that would import PDF's that I could tag and would be OCR'd. Apple Note's superb OCR and iCloud integration were enough to get me to give up tagging in Evernote. I made this switch a little over a year ago. It only does a comprehensive OCR covering all text in image, if it's imported as a "scanned document" taken with the camera on an iPhone or iPad. Meaning images imported to notes by copy and paste, or from camera roll, etc, only seem to get OCR'd and indexed enough to recognize headlines and similar.

why is evernote scannable only for apple why is evernote scannable only for apple

TLDR: Starting with iOS 14/Big Sur, Apple Notes is no longer fully OCR'ing all images(jpegs) in all notes regardless of origin. So, I'm in a spot of trouble, and thought I'd share my situation as a cautionary tale on here for those considering switching out of Evernote to Apple Notes.

Why is evernote scannable only for apple